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Instructor Spotlight - Casey

Get to know Casey, an instructor at FIT4MOM Downingtown!

Meet Casey, mom to Harvey, Ignatius, Matilda and Anthony. Casey has been with FIT4MOM since late 2016 when she was expecting her second son and has been a part of the instructor team since 2020.

A regular at the Downingtown Library, Casey was approached by a FIT4MOM instructor when she was there and invited to class. It took her a few months to finally try one out, then at her first class she was hooked before finishing the warm up!

Everyone was so welcoming and open about momming. I never looked back!

Casey is a New Jersey native and moved to Chester County after college. She started her motherhood journey living in Coatesville and now lives in Exton.

Before becoming a mom, Casey worked in special needs nutrition. Now she’s a mom, FIT4MOM instructor and teacher. In Casey’s house everyone’s birthday month has someone else’s half birthday in that same month!


What do you wish you would have known before your first child came to be?

That not everything had to be structured and to relax a little.

What's your favorite thing about being a mom?

I love watching kids grow and figure things out. Everyone says, “don’t grow up” but I just love watching them become tiny humans.

What's the hardest thing for you about being a mom?

*Sigh* managing my own emotions and helping/teaching the kids to do the same.

What advice do you have for new moms?

None of this goes on their resume. No one knows how you feed them or when they walked or if you brought them to Disney.

What’s your best mom hack?

Half an onion in their room when they have stuffy noses. And make lunches for the week on Sunday when you are already making lunch.

What's your favorite part of FIT4MOM?

I love just chatting with moms. Everyone’s journey is different but we can all help each other out!

Casey teaches Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre. She’s quickly approaching her 1100th class!